Monday, March 22, 2010

Grace and what it looks like to an 8th grade boy

It all started out quite simple. Let's play a game. It was a rainy Sunday afternoon with nothing to do but be a wonderful happy family. We attempted but failed miserable. It looked so easy, play a board game, laugh at funny jokes, engage in witty conversations. Nick wanted to play Risk, we ended up playing Disney Scene It. Nick is becoming quite passive aggressive. He knows he can't confront head on with all of us strong personalities so he has become the passive aggressive soldier. He took the Risk game out, started reading the rules and placing all the game pieces out WHILE we were playing Disney Scene it. He answered reluctantly even though Mijo was enthusiastically trying to get us all in a party mood. Nick anchored every enthusiastic win. He dragged every happy moment. I finally had enough and shut down the game. I was so frustrated. Why can't we be a Happy family? Why oh Why?
Then he had the audacity to ask me to get him a pop when I went to the store. I had just yelled at him concerning his really bad attitude AND then he asks me to get him a pop. What kind of kid is he anyway.
Walking in the grocery store I am still frustrated at him...then I see the Mountain Dew. We don't allow Nick to drink Mountain Dew at home. It has way too much sugar and caffeine. So he sneaks this Dew when he is away from us as if it was an illicit drug.
I bought him the Dew.


Sharon said...

So I would like to know.... what was Nick's response when he saw you bought him the Dew? Good on you mom...GRACE in action!!! Sharon

Anonymous said...

He had this surprised look on his face, smiled and then was lovely all evening. H