Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Skipping moments

I stop often in a day and think how fun it would be to write a post about the moment. Moments that fill my day that settle into a contentment of sorts. Love that feeling and that choice...contentment. The thing is with these skipping moments is that they are like the smile of a baby. They come with a surprise and leave before everyone can gather and enjoy.
I will list them but even in the compilation , the words can't express the moment.
My chicken pot pie that tasted so amazingly wonderful...I was really hungry.
Playing Wii with Scott and looking so funny while trying to canoe "virtually".
Listening to Nick tell me about his trip to Seattle and really not understanding what he was trying to say.
Mijo and I bumping into each other in the hallway at school and laughing because I caught her with a thought plastered across her face.
The cat venturing out into the living room in spite of Mocha the ever present dog.
Hard rain...really hard rain and hail.
Plants ready to be planted...green and fresh and promises of spring and fresh garden food.
Moving my furniture around...a fresh approach to the living room.
Talking about the Resurrection to those who have no idea what I am talking about.

More and more I realize in all the bad...there are sprinkled moments of pure joy. The heaviness of the news, the reality of the bills, the rancor of the media and the politicians, the sheer stupidity of choices...there are moments skipping by to enjoy.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Just love that new picture at the top of your blog. Every time I look at it it brings audible laughter! Thanks for making my days with it.

Aside from that I appreciated your blog. Does the heart good to make mental note of those special fleeting moments in our life - again a good reminder to me. Thanks. Sharon