Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cell phones and Nick

My son has been asking for a cell phone for about...2 years now. He seems to think that having a cell phone will somehow make him taller, smarter, and better looking. We have said no ... for about 2 years but the time came Sunday on a shopping trip to Costco. He could have handled it so much better then he did but then he reminds me of me in my relationship to the Almighty.
So we go and get all the information about who, what and why and the gentlemen I think his name was Larry said we needed to go through the line to get our phones before he could sign us up. If you know Costco on Sunday you know it is a MAD house and the lines waiting for the tellers slink all the way back to never never land. I have a personal rule about being in a Que...I don't unless standing in line I will only have to do it once. Buying this phone...I would have to stand in line twice. Nick looked at me...realized what the firmness of my jaw meant. I was not going to stand in line unless we had a full cart and were going to do this only once. He said..."Come on Mom, it is no big deal, it's only 10 people!" I said we would go and talk to Larry but there was no way.....On the walk back to Larry, Nick got angry with me. He does not verbalize...he sets his face like stone and kicks things.
Ahh had the chance to deal with disappointment better then that. You could have realized that getting a cell phone now is really about 5 months before you should. You could have seen that we wanted to do something nice and we would have made it work but not at this juncture and this particular day. Really, we want to do right by you but now you have changed what could have been a fun time together with a great new cell phone in the near future and responded with gratefulness rather then anger. It was just the timing of it all not the gift. Larry offered to get the phones so we did not have to stand in line twice and suddenly Nick was all good.
Now, I was mad....Nick, of course you have a good attitude, you get what you want NOW. I wanted you to be grateful you were getting a phone sooner then later for no reason except we wanted to do something nice for you. Next time maybe you can just trust me and be thankful...

Yes, Heidi...maybe you Me even when you think My timing is off with the good I want to give you...Stop kicking those goads.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Ah, the reminders...been there and done that - with my kids and my Heavenly Father.
Keeping calm and carrying on...Sharon