Wednesday, June 15, 2011

10:20 AM...what 's on your mind

Face book always ask us whats on our mind and for the life of me every time I wonder what I should write down from the many many things that flit across the screen of my mind.
I have been at school all week trying to organize my thoughts only to realize as I go through the past school year what I should have, could have, wish I had done many things differently. What students I should have paid more attention to, what lesson I should have lingered on, what students I should have kicked out of class. What behavior I overlooked and what I should have done different. Teaching is hard work. I know I failed in so many ways in the things that are important and may have succeeded well in the things that will be forgotten.
I look out at my empty room and remember all the students flitting in and out like the thoughts on my mind. Today I was reminded that what I thought was a minor confrontation with a student has grown to a major incident in their mind. I can't go back and undo nor can I even explain enough to assuage their anger, all I can do is remember enough not to do that again.
I care what students think of me, I want them to know that I respect that they are teenagers and have valid opinions ...but when it is all done, they are fickle and I can't have what they think be the mirror I believe.
I need summers for more then just a break from the routine. I need summers to evaluate what it is that I do...and remember that it is just a part of who I am.
This would be really long status update !

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