Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What is included...

As I was driving back from the hospital yesterday, having dropped Scott off for surgery, I was wondering a bit about that verse ..God works all things together for good...
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
Is Scott's surgery, work situation, family dynamics, etc. are these part of the all things? Are things just bad luck...or significant happenings? Is everything that happens a part of something or just something? Is it just some families get better breaks then others for a reason...they are somehow luckier? If God works for the good of all who love Him...then when the bad happens lets say an injury or a loss of a job can we infer that the bad that keeps happening is necessary for a reason so that good can come from it...IE: Stubborn people need harder lessons to learn better things? Is everything that happens significant or can it be just living and getting a bad break. I was thinking about my horse accident...anyone could have been thrown but it was me. Did I somehow need those lessons I learned or did the accident happen and I learned those lessons. When bad/difficult things keep happening is it because we are not learning the lessons we are supposed to have been learning...or is it just bad luck.
And we know that in all things God works...does He then make the all things happen?

I have no idea if I am making sense no matter how many times I reread what I wrote...I am hoping in it all you know what I am trying to say or ask or wonder about. :)


Anonymous said...

What is your definition of "luck" in this context? -lew

Anonymous said...

Such a good question because luck for me is good things that happen without forethought..ie: a good parking spot,something that falls down but does not break etc. If everything good is God's interventions what then do we do with things that are not good. H

Anonymous said...

That definition suggests that you control life in some ways through forethought. Can you control life like that?

Are there things that God is unaware of or which He has no involvement in? - lew