Monday, June 27, 2011

Road Trip Adventures

Scott and I decided on a whim to go on an adventure, a 4000 mile road trip to Chicago and back. So we did and we had such a good time. The verdant green valleys and prairies accompanied us across Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois. It was green, wet and beautiful and oh so mesmerizing mile after green mile. Scott did all the driving and I was amazed at his endurance for driving. We listened to stories on CD stopped only when we were tired and that was usually 11 or midnight. Our longest stretch of driving may have been the 1000 miles in one day...but I really have not thought about those details. On the way back we stopped at Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse but other then that we drove onward and back.
We needed to think some things through like what are we gong to do about Scott's inability to work for the next 5 months. What should I do with new opportunities at school, how to we help Mijo prepare for the next phase of her life, how do we keep in contact with our families and to reconnect with being a couple. I wish I could say we had these long discussions about all of these and really came back with a plan of action.
We did not...but we did come back very grateful for our families and the opportunities we have to make choices that glorify God. Scott and I still really like each other and when we have the opportunity outside of every day pressures we have a lot of fun. I learned how much I miss having my family closer and how much I wish I could be a close by Aunt rather then that far away Aunt that comes now and then. I was very proud of the kids who did living on their own pretty well.
Nothing profound...but delightful. Maybe now we can figure out the next steps ahead.
More stories ahead of our time in the great green miles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update on your time away. Being together, as you watch the miles go by, is great fun, isn't it? If deep discussions happen, it is good - but sometimes logging the miles in the same space is all that is needed. So glad you did the trip and enjoyed it. - lew