Thursday, August 11, 2011

The orange background and the start of the Hoopla's

I really do like orange but this background is a bit much but in lieu of all the celebrations in the month of August it seemed appropriate. Today is the beginning and it all starts with our anniversary. 9 years for my Scotty and me, only 9. It really seems longer maybe because we have packed so much into them.
First year...I lost my job as Assistant Principal, very difficult.
Second year...major trials and arguments between the both of us to begin with but much more significantly, Scott's wonderful mother passed.
Third year...Scotty works away for most the year in Tacoma
Anyway...not really knowing what has transpired in each year, needless to say...Scotty has lost both his parents, I have lost jobs, we went overseas, we had major injuries and medical bills, we have argued and fought and argued again trying to figure out how to live with each other { we were old when we married each other :) } Scott has worked away 3 out of the 9 years and every year has had significant absence except for he year we were in Papua. I also finished my MA in the middle of it all and changed job titles every year.
We have packed a lot in nine years and we have come through better, leaner, kinder, and more in love then when we began.
I love being loved by this man...He holds me in and lets me go. I am so so grateful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy hoopla-ing!! ~ lew