Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Safe Place

I was talking to a friend the other day and she told me about a church in Oregon that described itself as a safe place to struggle. If there isn't a better definition of what a church is supposed to be then I don't know what is. If you have followed my blog for any length of time you know I have had a struggle with church. Not the body of Christ church but the local American church we all attend. Instead of struggling with church, church is/supposed to be that safe place to struggle.
Think about everything we struggle with ...marriages, parenting, finances, sexuality, singleness, significance...wouldn't it be great if we had a place where we go with all our struggles.
A Pastor in a large city told me that what he listens to in his daily counseling by far is sexual sins... that seething underside of every person's outside calm demeanor.
Church...a safe place to struggle. How that looks in the every day functioning of the church...I guess it is the face we portray. How clean do we come, or how clean do we become.

1 comment:

Traveller said...

I LOVE it, "a safe place to struggle"--I want one of those. I've been thinking along similar lines...and link this post in mine today!