Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hope you all are still here ....

It is already August 7th and it has been a while since I have posted. I am in full swing summer mode where I have mastered the art of puttering a day away without a moment of guilt. Morning and evening have moved into each other seamlessly not broken up with lists and events and places to be. It is quite lovely with warm weather to accompany these wonderful days of summer.
I am also looking forward to Fall and my students and the new school year...and Winter with its cold rainy days and warm fires and holidays and the business of a schedule. There is season for everything under the sun and I will no longer wish one over the other but dive in the joy of each one.


Anonymous said...

So good to know. Savor the season - and those coming up. You are ahead of me in the acceptance department. I still have mixed feelings about the next one - but hope to welcome it as time goes on. - lew

Sharon said...

I am a little slow on the accepting the change of seasons! No, better said I am reluctant to let go of the previous seasons that have been particularly a joy (even with the ups and downs). I usually do savor them however - EXCEPT the present one - it has the hardest to accept and savor!