Saturday, October 18, 2008

Being Busy

This is the family not too many weeks ago. They were all advertising for the worst team in college football, our underdogs of underdogs...the Huskies. It was a moment in seems we have wandered so far from where were were not too many months ago.
We are busy... not bad busy, not too busy, but fill your calendar for several months ahead of time busy.
I am not...busy that it is. I am the eye of the hurricane as these three run here and there. Nick with football, Mijo with drama, and Scott with drill, work and classes.
I keep thinking about when were were in Papua. Not so busy and if we were, we were busy with the same things. Here in Lynden the business does not intersect and often times it collides. I know it is a season and I am not worried about it, but it does seem that we are much more disconnected as a family. I don't think it is a badge to brag about...I am not one of those who thinks being busy is next to being godly or even American. I think being busy is a choice...and it creeps quickly into the 24 hour period of time we call days. I would like to be busier, I think it would make me feel more important. But if I was busier, then these 3 couldn't be.
As I peruse Facebook entries I realize we are all busy. I think it is good that we are involved and creative. What do we do when we are not we connect more, laugh easier and wonder? Because I am not so busy..I would like to connect more, laugh and wonder but everyone else is busy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To be busy or not to be busy - that is the question. Whether its nobler to ....God for me to fill my hours with many activities or to let Him fill my time with His activities - what a challenge, eh? It makes me anticipate our future when "time will be no more." Aw-wh - heavenly! - lew