Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Heads up

In a few days I am going to be traveling back in time. This April will be the 10th anniversary since Curtiss's death (my first husband). It seems a life time ago but what I would like to share is the journey. I found my diary the other day and I wanted to share it with you. The journey through grief is universal...maybe my journey will shed some light on yours. To clarify as well....Curtiss and I had been married 14 years. The last 4 years before his death he was dealing with his addiction to alcohol. The journey of grief began 4 years prior to his death. So in my journey of grief, the echos of addictions tyranny will also be heard. I have never really talked at lengtht about how I traveled through that valley of the shadows....maybe it is time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recall the phone call from your family asking for prayer. There had been a fall - someone near and dear had been critically injured. Would I pray? - and now, these years later, to realize that you and I do have contact with each other. I never dreamt! I hope the sharing of your memories and thoughts will have redemptive results. Blessings on you! - lew