Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Being, going to, hating, loving, frustrated with, have to go, want to go, member of, body of Christ, all of us together...church.
I don't know when it began but going to church is hard work for me. I don't know where our loyalty lies...with a local church, a denomination, the whole body called the church or the church that we attend looking at God's creation. I have talked to many who have stopped going to church who love Jesus with all their hearts, souls and minds. I know people who attend church every time the door is open and I wonder if they love at all.
Most Pastors I have heard are fair to middling...many seem to love the position they have, or adulation they receive then to serve the body. Some men...are servants, humble and
other-centered and how they preach is secondary to who they are. Music/worship is often loud, long and irritatingly routine. We sit , we listen..we leave. I wonder if this is what it was supposed to be. Setting a part the Pastor while not ordaining the laity seems to be contradictory...isn't the work of the gospel being done by those who carry it out into the market place? Oh I could go on and on and on...And Women...don't even get me started on that. The Life of me...a woman is set free on the mission field and shackled when she is home...WHAT IS THAT but racism and sexism.
Back to church... when can you change churches...should you change churches... can you stop attending ...what happens if you hate small groups...what happens if the doctrine of the church is weird but the community is solid...what if the Pastor loves himself but preaches a good sermon...what if sleeping in is the best way to get a sabbath rest.
We have been attending a church for 6 months now. The Pastor is a humble man, the church is friendly, the doctrine is solid, the music is loud, long and routine...I can't wait to come home. Nothing much for the kids to do...a bit out of our way...What are we loyal too? Can we leave?
Maybe, it is just me...the disenfranchised.
Just go..sit down..listen...come home, call it good and always wish it was better.


Les Hon said...

Thank you for speaking my thoughts...

Kacie said...

I get that struggle. One question...
is there community at your church? Genuine knowing each other?

Without that, what is all the doctrine and music really worth?

When I read your writing I think of Erica Haub-Carney, a fantastic female pastor and blogger that I have a lot of respect for.

Anonymous said...

Kacie...I am sure those who have been there awhile have a community..you are right...connection is what I need, I don't quite know how. Thank you for the compliment and your attention. Means much ..Heidi