Sunday, March 29, 2009

So sorry for the delay but...

I know I am supposed to begin the journey through my past but the past few weeks have taken me on another that I need to share. It is all about the power of kindness. Remember this kitty that Scott rescued from certain death while we were in Papua? So much had to be done to make sure it survived. Scott did the most and I am sure it was his kind and tender touch.
If you are married you know all about those times in marriage when things just break down. Whether you fight out loud or quiet, conflict is a reality for marriage. Maybe some of you are so compatible that conflict rarely rears its ugly head...but for some of us we seem less compatible and more confrontational.
Scott and I fight quietly...we get mad or irritated or whatever and we get distant and quiet. Unfortunately for us...we are both like that. We have endured about 2 weeks of quiet and the silent treatment. It is amazing how little you can say if you organize your routine just so. He is stubborn as a mule, I am stubborn as an ass... it has been such a lovely time (sigh).
Inevitable...something rips us out of our reverie and silliness and we vocalize. This time we learned an amazing lesson...kindness.
If we treat each other with small acts of kindness it is hard to drift away to hostile silent land. The gentleness that rescues lost broken kittens works as well with broken relationships. Being tender, gentle, attentive...those things work. I forget easily how fragile a marriage relationship can be....and yet how much it can endure.
We ended our stalemate with kindness...maybe it will also guard us from drifting as well.

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