Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Nicklaus Paul

I was really surprised 14 years ago when I found out I was pregnant with this boy. It took so long to get pregnant with Mijo I was sure we were done. If Mijo was a blessing then Nick was the bonus. I have had the privilege of raising a girl and a boy and yes...they are very different. Nick did not have to talk till he was 2...his two moms made sure that every attempt at vocalization was preempted, we already knew what he wanted. Lazy little loved on boy! He is a wonderful person to discover. He is funny at the weirdest times, compassionate, kind and thoughtful. His interests lie in opposition to mine but then he is a boy. He could not wait to embrace Scott after Curtiss passed. I think there was a strong desire to shed some of this female attention he was surrounded by for some good ole male energy. I remember on our wedding day how often he said Dad...for he had been waiting so long to just say those words. He shoots and hunts, plays ball and grunts,, protects and stands up for what is right. He is becoming a man and we watch with much anticipation and pride. Happy Birthday son !

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