Sunday, March 13, 2011

She prepares her meat, mixes her wine...

and sets the table( Proverbs 9 cont.)

That Wise lady...thinks of everything for the quests she is about to invite. She send her maids, then goes herself to the high place in town and calls out...Hey, simple people, come sit ad eat with me....Come, you won't be disappointed. In fact leave your simple ways and you will live.
Folly also goes to the highest places but she is sitting and waiting and calling to the same simple folks. She has not prepared her meal, she has stolen it. But the seductive nature of folly is that because it is stolen it tastes sweeter and is more delicious. These ladies are at every decision, calling out for attention. One leads to life the other..."but little do they know that the dead are there, that all her guests are in the depths of the grave".

Every day I walk the hallways of my little, remarkable, private Christian school and see these ladies providing a choice . I am so sad to say that Folly is loud, undisciplined and without knowledge and in High school, she is lazy, unmotivated and seductive. Folly offers the immediate gratification with a taste of the defiant...stolen and secret. Folly seems to be winning and it may be because those who are choosing Wisdom's way are consistent, dependable and winsome. She isn't loud, destructive nor defiant. She doesn't revel in but removes herself from. She brings life to the classroom not restless activity and noise.

Folly sucks the life out of a classroom, a marriage, a friendship, a church. Wisdom feeds, refreshes, enlivens...brings hope.

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