Monday, March 7, 2011

Wisom builds a house...

One things she will have in her house is 7 pillars Prov.9 hewn out. Love that word hewn...
1. Chop or cut (something, esp. wood) with an ax, pick, or other tool.
2. Make or shape (something) by cutting or chopping a material such as wood or stone.

To tell you the truth when was the last time you have ever hewn something. We cut wood to burn but hewn has the idea that you are making something useful, beautiful and solid. Wisdom, she build her house and she has hewn out 7 pillars. Wood or stone, I am thinking stone..why, because that seems what wisdom would do.

Houses are such a reflection on their owners. When I go in someone home I try and sense what it says about those who live there. I wonder what guests think about me when coming into my home. I hope it is warm and inviting and the perfect Dutch work..gezelich. I think Wisdom's house is magnificent and reflects the grandeur of creation and the intimacy of good relationships. I think it would be simple but elegant, practical in its use of space and at the same time spacious.

Wisdom builds a house...Wisdom takes time, forethought, preparation, insight, creativity and permanence.
I am sitting on this subject for a season...Proverbs 9 is my template. Lady Wisdom and Woman Folly: she builds, the other sits.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I look forward to reading what you discover about these 2 "ladies" - lew