Saturday, August 4, 2007

Last boarding call...

I never know in the moment if God really cares about lost purses because it is just a lost purse. BUT...what if that purse has all your credit cards and debit cards and it is the day before you are to leave the country for a year. Does He care about that? This is my conversation with Him as we are driving down the highway, I left my purse at the restaurant the night before and had not missed it till the morning after. Please God care for my purse and excuse my forgetfulness. Please, I do not want to pay the consequences of my stupidity...Please, please , please....

The good people at the restaurant had found it and my sister-in-law and niece retrieved it...

I never know in the moment if God really cares about safe airplane rides....Please God, please please please care for this airplane on this day on this journey.

I guess if He cares enough for my purse, maybe he cares about this airplane ride or whatever I or you can think of as we fill in the blank. As my faith is renewed every day in every situation from lost purses, airplane rides to being in Papua for a year, I can know He cares. I know it isn't that everything turns out the way I would want it too, but that in everything He cares.

A few more hours and we are on our way. We have a few things to pack yet but pretty much, we are set to go. I will be praying, I will be hoping for non-eventful everything, I also know God cares.

I will write as soon as I am able...


juli said...

The last two days have been a wirlwind of people,activity,and energy. My barns look like a use car lot. Not to mention our own private junk yard. All of the cars are parked and keys put away for year.

I have just read your blog for the frist time. I find myself saying you worry way to much! Here is a reminder for you.

If you did not have any bumps in the road you travel. It would be an uneventful journey,and one you would not learn or gain anything from.

As Scott's mother had always said when she hit those bumps in the road. "We are making memories". And you'll have a great stories to tell to your friends and family.

So if you can't relax, just think of all the great stories you'll to share with us.

Ask Auntie Precious about our "perfect" husdand,father,and brother.


Unknown said...

AAAACCCCKKKKK!!! Gone? You are gone? Somehow I didn't think I would actually have to face that. What did I think? That you MIGHT go. That you would THINK about going. That you would PREPARE to go.....

Ah well! The adventure has begun. And, my dear, you do not need to worry. I am worrying enough for both of us. By the time you have lived 70 years, you know all the things that CAN happen. If it is any comfort though, most of the things I worried about for all my life never happened at all! (The purse you see was returned. The plane did not fall from the sky. God is in his heaven!)

We love u 4

Linda said...

Wait a minute, I am the queen of worry I refuse to relinquish the title! Remember all the long talks we have had about worrying and letting God take care of the details. Well, this is one of those times. God has taken care of all the details and you are there. Your house is rented, the dog is happy and you have your family with you (although you left close friends behind who miss you horribly :)). This is your time Heidi, enjoy and do what you are good at. Teach the children in your unique style and get to know them, you have a way of letting kids know that you care for them.

You are doing God's work my friend, this is your calling and you and your family are the perfect people to do it.