Sunday, October 14, 2007


4.6 earthquake here in good ole Papua. This is the second one in less than a week and I am wondering if we are warming up for something or cooling down from something. When this rumbling occurred around 10 ish PM , I woke up quickly and we went running to see if the kids were OK. Rattled but good. We talked about what was happening and prayed for God's protection. One of those strange things you can't prepare yourself, and if you exactly can you be prepared? I am making sure my glasses are close to my bed, I would hate to run outside and miss the whole thing because I can't see. I WISH I had the eye surgery I was thinking so seriously about getting before I came. BUT other then that, we talk about the what if and where to.

Remember two posts ago I was hoping that what we had bought for our picnic would not affect us in any way... there are some internal rumblings occurring as well. No need to go into any details just that we are staying close to home for a few days.

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