Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Pass the TP, please

Scott took us out to a new restaurant, a fast food joint in our new mall that is slowly opening its various stores. Think food court but with only only one kiosk. This was a nice for me because we are getting very low on food stuff in the house and I was scrambling trying to figure out what we were going to eat for supper.
We sit down and look at the condiments present. Sambal (hotsauce),ketchup, vinegar, salt, pepper, kecup manis (sweet soy sauce), silverware and a TP dispenser. This is different! Silverware at the table? Just kidding, instead of keeping napkins at the table, why not the cute toilet paper dispensers and then you can take as much paper as you need to clean off your hands or face. It is a bit disconcerting to ask for TP a the table though and then when Scott kept telling us just to take a square...well, that's just wrong.
Food was good and though it came out fast and HOT, I think it was healthy...maybe healthier then a hamburger and french fries. Scott ordered Ifu mie, Nick, nasi ayam, Mijo, mie ayam and I ordered cap cay all under $10. I think we forgot about making sure about the water...
You would think the TP dispenser on the table should have reminded us, I guess it just distracted us. Happy Thanksgiving !

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