Friday, June 27, 2008

Mocha Mousse

Why oh why do we have another dog you may ask...Well, look at that face how could you say no :).

Part of being where you are is investing in the place where you live. We do not know our future but we know where we are at present and being present for this family is having a wee pup as part of the family. Here she is...a solid German short hair, a beautiful silky brown mocha mousse.

I have so much mulling in this old head of mine that I can't seem to find the words to express myself. Being here, not being there, and not knowing if going anywhere is part of the picture anymore. A restlessness picked up again and the intensity of wanting to do and be someone of significance. The boundaries of the future seem limited by being home and even getting this pup signifies a settling of sorts. This word settling is an anathema for me while being at the same time a word of peace. Settling can mean not wanting the better thing or like this pup winding down and finding a place to rest. A friend told me that I was too good to be here in the States...we are much better then a random teacher or a refinery worker she said. That phrase resonates with me because that is what we as MK's have been taught our whole life. Being out there is much better then being here. Really? Does God really have better deals in cross-cultural settings? Does He love you more and bless you better? It isn't truth, and because of that it does not set me free. Honestly it is harder to be here in the US then being in Papua, if harder makes something more significant. Teaching the random class at LC is much more intense, being in a refinery much more of a 'mission field'...does it then matter geography? I think it has much more to do with obedience.
Like Mocha, maybe our attitude is simply wanting to please our Owner and learning how to obey.


Les Hon said...

What a lovely little pup! Congrats on adding her to your family...She will bring laughter and fun during this time of restlessness -- a great diversion! I am finding in this stage of my life that I am having to ferret out and question many beliefs I held to be "true and self-evident"...and admit that really are not. I've ordered my life around many of them, and feel fairly helpless to let them go and be redefined by what is truth...It is hard work! Be comforted (I guess)...It is not an unusual state, though I admit I find it very uncomfortable.
: ) Leslie

Anonymous said...

Heidi - Long overdue check-in on your blog. Welcome back to the States; I shall have to make a bike-by on your place. There's a 6th of July BBQ invite with the Prices' names on it as well, if desired (drop me a line - phil @phildavies .us)

Happy re-adjusting!