Saturday, July 26, 2008

Then there are those days

When we were in Eipomek for OE, we would have those days that all our stuff was out to dry and the rain came in, we were all set to go and do a project with our only clean clothes only to find out that it involved getting really muddy. One of my dear friends had saved her last pair of clean everything for the return trip only to fall down headlong into a muddy creek while traversing a log on her way up to the airplane. Yesterday was one of those days when everything clear suddenly became very unclear. I became very uncertain again about what I am writing for my Major Project. I still have not heard about my job prospects this fall. Scott told us that every person in his National Guard unit was called up to go to Iraq and the only reason he has not been called up was because he was not in the system. There is a good likelihood as he gets back in the system that he might be called up as well or then maybe not... So here we are in the mist again.
A few hours before this shot was taken you could look all the way down the valley to vista's with waterfalls and mountains. Not a few days back we had the view, I was feeling really good about my project and Scott was encouraged about the work prospects this coming year. Things can change in a minute, ya? It is hard at times like this to know if God can see the mountains even if we can't. Funny...He made them I am sure He knows each hill and valley, waterfall and flower. Maybe that is why in Matthew He tells us to consider the grass of the field...Not to worry, don't be anxious, Fret not...Oh ya..Psalms 37, Fret not, Trust in, Delight yourself , Cast all your cares, and BE STILL. The Amplified says it so succinctly, which is strange in that it is the amplified version, Let Be and Be still. OK already...OK !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Has my responses re: the manuscript contributed to the fog? Somehow I feel responsible. :( - lew