Monday, January 19, 2009

Just a drop in the bucket...

2 books that I have read this past week have changed the way I hear and listen. One was on the AIDS orphans in Ethiopia and the other was about disposable people, slavery today. I can paste numbers and statistics all over this page but numbers don't change us ... but nothing seems to change us anymore. I knew in a vague way about these issues but when I read these books I began to wonder in specifics. If God does not intervene on behalf of his children when they cry to Him for basic food, medicine and safety... Who am I in my comfort and prosperity able to pray for safety and direction and expect an answer?
I wish I knew how to answer...or even how I am to pray at all. Anything I do though seems like a drop in the bucket. I can't give enough, pray enough and hurt enough to make anything right anywhere. What we often do is say...well, it makes me grateful for what I have. For doesn't seem enough ... it is like I am saying, I sorry that you are starving, in slavery and are dying of least I'm not and this I am grateful for.
I don't I sit in my bathrobe, drinking my coffee in my warm house, with two healthy children and a husband who loves me...I am so very very grateful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very good questions - I have no answers. I trust that when you come upon the answers that you will blog them for us to read. - lew