Saturday, January 3, 2009

Green with envy...

Nestled in the leaves of this beautiful tree is a can just see his head. I wonder why green and envy go together and maybe some of you know the origin of this idiom, but for me, this picture makes sense. Envy exacts a devilish price.
I have problems with envy is like saying, I have problems with cancer. Envy isn't a problem, like cancer, it destroys completely and radically. It makes you dis-content and restless. It changes your perspective even on the good that happens to other people. It not only makes you want what the other has but if you can't have it, makes you want them to not have it as well. If you can't have no one should have. How evil is that?
I may not like it that I envy...that does not change the fact that I do. Why tell you...because like AA, I have to have a platform to express before I can change. Hello, my name is Heidi and I envy. I am assuming that you like me wrestle with all sorts of things, not that we have to tell each other...well, as a matter of fact we do have to tell each other. This is the only way we can bear each others burdens and if you bear with me, pray with me and I with you...we can change.
It is a new year...I want to change.


Anonymous said...

Hello, my name is Lorraine, and I am a sloth.
1. I admit that I am powerless over my slothful nature --that my life had become unmanageable.
2: I believe that God can restore me to a productive life.
3: I have made a decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of God.
4: I have made a searching and fearless inventory of myself.
5: I have admitted to God, to myself and now to another human being the fact that I can not maintain the level of spiritual discipline that I would like to.
6: I am entirely ready to have God remove all the defects of character that reveal themselves as slothfulness.
7: I Humbly ask Him to remove my slothfulness.
8: I have made a list of the Scripture verses I need to memorize.
9. I wish to diligently work on these verses, one by one, for as long as it takes, to be able to quote them by memory and use them to the furtherance of God's Kingdom.
10. I welcome the prayers and verbal quizzing of others as I strive to memorize Scripture.
11. I will seek through prayer and meditation to improve my constant communion with God, praying for knowledge of His will for me and the power to carry that out.
12: Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, I will try to encourage others to also memorize the Word of God, which is the power of salvation to those who believe and the source of all conviction and encouragement to those who hear it.

about the long and winding road... said...

Hello Lorraine, welcome!
and thank you