I am beginning to prepare for my Family Psychology class for seniors here at Lynden Christian. What I want to accomplish and what ends up being accomplished has been different every single time I teach this class. This is what I love about this class. The dynamics of the students interaction make each class unique. I do enjoy this...This class, this semester is again different, I will have 32 students my biggest class every. We try to understand who we have become from our families and who we want to be in our relationships in the future. The first few weeks we concentrate on "Who am I".
I am 46 years old and I still am confused by that question.
Who am I? I know I am loved...I know that I have roles...I know that I have a calling/vocation...I know that I have gifts/talents...I know that I have strengths/weaknesses...I know where I am going...I know where I am from...Is this the whole picture?
What I am beginning to wonder is...what is it that others see? I am assuming like me you make judgments about people, and not always bad. I enjoy talking to people, putting the puzzle of their interests and giftedness together and figuring out their calling. I have never really had that opportunity of choosing a vocation, it has kind of just happened. I fell into teaching, I never really chose it. In fact, I was studying to be a nurse until I realized that blood makes me nauseous and sick people make me impatient. I then got my BA in cross-cultural communication and Bible so I could go overseas as a missionary and now have a MA in servant leadership so I could be an administrator at school, both of which I am not doing. BUT...I am teaching cross-culturally in the US.
I wonder how many of us have become what we set out to be...
Who am I anyway...is it what I do, where I am going, where I have come from, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend ? What I have endured and enjoyed, what value, what I loath. The answer is Yes...I am.
Now in the second half of my life...I am wondering if rather then falling into, I can choose. And if I could...what would that be? Have you chosen too or fallen into....is it a good place for you?