Monday, January 25, 2010

Everyday people...Thank you

I had my hair done on Saturday. I was nervous about it all week because no matter how mature I want to be about the way I look, I am very insecure how I appear. Who-ever handles those scissors...can make or break me for awhile. Day in and day out these ladies make a of those profound how you view life differences. This is uniquely female...for the most part. Sitting with her as she did her thing makes me realize how profoundly thankful I am for her expertise. She cut, colored and helped me walk out with a bit more enthusiasm. Powerful lady in an everyday job.
Another is a man who welcomes me to church every Sunday morning. He remembers my name and looks me in the eye, shakes my hand and gives me a bulletin. Simple...but you know, it calms my anxiety about coming to church in the first place. He makes a difference every Sunday.
These are just two...there are many who faithfully do a good work. Thank you.


Sharon said...

Thank you for this post - makes me realize how what I may do can, and hopefully does, impact the people I come in contact with. I thought about the homeless man that sits in front of the Pharmacy store - he doesn't beg- just sits there and every time I come by him he raises his head and gives me a smile. That smile makes my day! I am to very thankful for that smile. I finally stopped one day with a sandwich and clean bottle of water and thanked him for that smile. The question is - am I faithfully giving simple acts of kindness or work that "makes some one's day"? I pray so!

Anonymous said...

Loved your story about the homeless man and your reminder that we are everyday people to someone else. Heidi