Monday, January 4, 2010

resolution revolution

I make them every year...resolutions that is. I keep them mostly...I usually define myself by categories of resolutions; physical, mental, relational and spiritual. Under these heading I proceed to overwhelm myself with the minutia of details on what I want to accomplish. My theory is make as many resolutions as possible so that I will accomplish at least some of them. I like the idea that I still want to change, have goals I still want to achieve. This year I have decided to have resolutions all year long. I started the day after Christmas rather then on New Years day and so far I accomplished a weeks worth of resolutions.
Physically...cut out refined sugar as much as possible. Check
Spiritually...Start reading through the Bible in a year. Check
Mental...turn off the TV when nothing is on...rather then flip through the channels hoping something will come on. Check to people other then my immediate family. Not yet.
Also in the 'not yet' category.. start a quilt, write more emails to family, call family members more, get out of my house...

But more important then things to check off though I must say that is tons of fun :)...I want to be positive. period. I don't want to gauge my negative perspective by saying I am just realistic...I can be realistic about being positive. I know it is contagious...I know I like to hang around people who are...I know it makes a huge difference in mental, physical, spiritual and relational health. One thing will make all these resolutions possible...being positive.

My mom use to tell me that her mom use to tell her that there are two kinds of people in the world, those that build and those that tear down. I want to be a Builder. Positive Builder of 2010. PBOT...So ahead in these blogs may the revolution begin.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

By keeping calm and carrying on...good start to 2010!