Thursday, May 15, 2008

Right heart, crooked finger

I don't know if you can see how this building is propped up. This is the conference grounds at Pyramid where every CMA conference of my youth was spent. Many many wonderful memories dance around this place and to be honest, I am surprised more is not coming apart at the seams. While the hut on the side is falling apart completely, the mess hall is being supported by drums and rocks. A good shake and the whole thing will lean precariously as much the neighboring hut. Still, it is standing if not just.
Scott and I met with 2 couples who are interested in working alongside the Nduga church. Waiting here on the coast for an opportunity to go and start and learn and do. They were excited and eager to tackle the immensity of the challenge, the Nduga's will certainly benefit from the attention and the support.
2 weeks ago while playing in the pool with her Dad, Mijo injured her finger while attempting to catch a football. It was seriously sprained we thought and she had her finger in a splint all this time. Today, we went again to the nurse to check to see how it was healing. It hasn't been sprained, it has been broken. She is now in a cast and waiting for an xray to see what damage has been done and if anything more needs to happen. Not a peep from this girl, she has endured well. It is the end of the year, where concerts and parties and hoopla is occurring, just not a good time to have a cast. She has such a wonderful heart even though she has such a crooked finger.
Everything is a bit off this week, a bit like the mess hall. A few rocks here and there supporting the whole mess. I know MIjo wishes a different outcome to the break not sprain of her little finger. But...we are standing if not just.

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