Wednesday, June 24, 2009

So sorry

I realize as I lay in bed last night that the list of unravels was pretty insignificant comparatively...I was feeling bit sorry for my self but would not say it in so many words so I waxed eloquent when in reality I think I was whining. So I am sorry, I am very grateful just a bit overwhelmed...this too shall pass. Thank you for your understanding....

1 comment:

Traveller said...

Hey Heidi,
Don't know if you remember me or not--we were in class together at TWU summer of 2006. Since then I've enjoyed peeking in on your blog, keeping up with your adventures, but don't think I've commented. I've appreciated the honesty of your reflections, the openness about what is happening externally, and internally, even when it's not so pretty. Now, during this trial...and all the things that seem to be piling up... wow, it's not easy. May you know His peace and strength for each day, each moment, even as you wait not knowing 'why'. Lifting up a prayer for you today as I write this.