Saturday, June 13, 2009

Then they left

Dad and Elf left this morning... so sad to see them leave. I told them the other day how much I would miss them realizing that wherever they go they are missed by someone. They are just those kind of people...loved and always missed because wherever they go they leave in their wake people who they have blessed. They embody the hands and feet of Jesus and their gentle and kind hands will be sorely sorely missed.
This journey of dependence has humbled me not only because I am so dependent but that whose who have served me have done so so graciously and could I ever repay such kindness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I hope your dad and Elf get to read your blog. Your wonderful thoughts truly honor them.

Our weekend message talked about honor as well. The crux was that God will honor those who honor Him (story of Mordecai). Heidi, in the midst of your circumstances, you are honoring God by your spirit of gratitude. May you be blessed.
