Saturday, June 6, 2009

Still here...

You know when you wake up in the morning, right before you know you have to get up, and you lie there just enjoying the moment. I get to still lie there. As the mornings come and go and the home wakes up around me the only thing that pulls me into a sitting position is how badly do I need to go the the bathroom. Using the facility which is a handy little commode pulled close to the bed entails pain and that wakes me up quicker then any cup of coffee ever has. Talking about coffee, can't really go through withdrawal headaches if you are on pain meds...I no longer need my AM cup of coffee!!!! Unfortunately there is no medication to get the bladder to stop expanding.
When I am still on my back I don't feel any pain. Maybe a twinge here and there but nothing intense. When I move I am reminded of why I am in bed all day long.
I have made some great strides in the Independence of things...I can get on the commode and off on my own. I am getting to be a wiz at moving to the wheelchair and back and I think I can be in the wheel chair for about an hour, maybe hour and a half without having to get back to bed. The next big deal will be getting in the bathtub and having a real shower/bath.
This week I will get some xrays and see where I am progressing. This will be encouraging I am sure. We are sorta moving into a routine of sorts in the family...I really wish some free time for Scott, my companion in good and bad times. Mijo and Nick have a drama to work on for the next two weeks so they won't feel like their summer is just taking care of Ma.
I'll be here figuring it out or at least trying to.


Anonymous said...


What could we do to give Scott some free time? AVL

Anonymous said...

I asked Jeff T. to take him shoiting or something. I have no idea Anita what I would do without that man. Heidi

Unknown said...

Dearest Heidi,

We are just devastated over your accident, but so THANKFUL that you were not hurt worse. What a blessing that your stepmom is/was a nurse!

I know these weeks ahead are going to be so difficult. We will keep you in our prayers and hearts.

Love, Gay & George