Thursday, July 8, 2010

Jesus in Butte

We stopped in Butte, Montana for a break on our way to Yellowstone. On one of the mountain ridges was this HUGE statue of Jesus...think Rio's Jesus but a bit smaller. I could not figure out what that white blob was in the distance and not until we looked at it through the binoculars did we figure out that in fact it was a statue of Jesus in really Pope looking robes. So what do you think it means not to have graven images of God. I really don't think anyone is worshiping this icon of would take some hiking and climbing to get anywhere near...but what makes us want to take all this effort and energy to make an image of Jesus. It kind of reminds me of the Buddhas strewn all over the world...and a Buddhist will tell you that no one is really worshiping Buddha ...for he is not a god...what are they doing then with all these icons? What are we doing with all these icons?

I used to have pretty benign feeling about the Catholic church. I watched a documentary about the pedophilia rampant in the ranks of priests and my feelings are not so benign...maybe that system has become more malignant. From the icons/graven images to the candles, from the priests/nuns to the popes... rotten in the core.

We need the concrete to make the divine accessible...if God seems distant lets make him tangible. Jesus was human...Jesus is God...lets make an image. God said no before...maybe there is still a no now and the Church lost its way centuries ago. I have no hatred, I have much respect for some...but maybe it is time for a reality check to principles that tradition holds dear but not so much the Bible. What has this church built its foundations upon...maybe it is time for this edifice to crumble.

We protested many years ago...shall we protest again for this soiled bride? In the eyes of the world we are all called Christians...the tangible Christ. We are the images of God...not standing on a mountain ridge in pope robes but driving cars, loving kids and neighbors, working hard at every job. God saved his Image to be reflected in flesh...starting with Jesus continues with me. He still says No to sticks and stones and statues in Butte, Montana.

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