Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Two meanings

Driving down to San Fran for an exciting wonderful dash away, we drove past this painted proclamation. I snapped a picture just because this seems to be my mantra lately. Literally, I don't need to buy so much of what I buy. I do think as those of us who live in a too much society we have too much of everything. I am trying to simplify but it is a process of incremental steps rather then giant steps. I want to get rid of everything except the basics but somehow what I get rid of is quickly replaced. I want to have a moving sale but not really move :). The more I live in our too much society the less I want to have.
I also Don't Buy what many are telling me. There is an arrogance maybe in thinking that people don't have the wisdom to tell me anything, but there seems to be little wisdom out there. Ironic though as I "tell" what I think others should "buy". Again in our too much society we all believe that because we think, feel and want something to be is. So much of what we think is based on cultural tradition rather then biblical tradition. TRUTH in its subversive reality is framed too often in our Western culturally tradition and we will fight for the frame but not the truth. The TRUTH sets people free, cultural framework by definition encloses.
What amazes me about Jesus is how subversive He is in every culturally framework. Think about where His story travels and how much freedom follows until the messengers bring in their cultural framework. I think the truth that is supposed to set us free has been so polluted by Western culture we don't see where one ends and truth begins. Our American framework that rewards power, achievement, wealth, youth, good looks, independence, leisure...Don't Buy It !
The desire to be safe, secure, soft and silly...this being the code of conduct for many of our youth...Don't Buy It ! These are traps and there is no freedom.
I want freedom but not framed in the political mumbo jumbo of American patriotism and our inalienable rights...I want the TRUTH to set me free from all of this and into the Blessed are the poor in Spirit, Blessed are those who hunger and search for righteousness...

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