Monday, July 5, 2010

Opine: expect, believe or suppose

We took a trip to Yellowstone National Park. Nick and I and small dog, in a car, on the road for a looooooong time. To opine about the trip, I was looking forward to beautiful landscapes, long deep conversations with my 13 year old son, and eloquent thoughts about deep things on quiet mornings. One out of three isn't bad, it is quite beautiful in Yellowstone. What is really ironic about this pristine, in the middle of nowhere national park is that there are so many many people. Long conversations with 13 year old sons never happen when you sit in the car for 14 hours, it is usually when you want to sleep at 10 PM. Quiet morning are not quiet when you have a small puppy who wants to play the moment you open your eyes. What we opine usually isn't what transpires.

If we are stuck in what we opine, we can't see what is. That's what plans are...ideas of what should happen, but they are just ideas. So often what we plan is what we suppose should happen rather then what could happen. If I stuck on what I thought should happen I would have been disappointed in what did. Lots and lots of people but because of this we were able to see many more animals...lots of eyes to see shadows on the mountain side. 10 pm is a great time to talk, I don't have to think about what is on the road and I can listen wholeheartedly to what he wants to say rather then what he should say. Because puppies get up early, we started the days much sooner and saw Yellowstone wake up cool and crisp.

Opine and let go...


Sharon said...
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Sharon said...

I just realized why I get stuck with disappointments regularly... your statement "If I stuck on what I thought should happen I would have been disappointed in what did" describes my reality poignantly!

I wonder where along my journey I lost the freedom and joy of surprise? A great point to ponder in the next few days. I am sure my husband (and family) would love to have the "old" me back - the one never much disappointed in what does happen.

Thanks for the great post. Sharon

P.S. I sure am glad you are back!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you is also good for me to write again...Heidi